About us

Integrated management policy
The address of GECOMSE, aware of the relevance that meeting the needs and expectations of its customers has for the company today, puts into play the necessary resources to ensure that its activities of "Commercialization of electronic equipment and after-sales service" obtain definitive public recognition through the establishment of an Integrated System of Quality Management and Environmental Management, based on the requirements established by the standards UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015.

Mission and vision
· Satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers as a primary objective.
· Provide products and services in continuous evolution and improvement every day, becoming the trusted technology partner for our customers.
Provide our service based on our commitment to the continuous improvement of our processes, with the protection of the Environment and with the continuous improvement of our environmental performance (including reduction of waste, minimization of consumption, etc.)
· Put on the market new interesting and innovative solutions and products for customers.
· Position itself as a benchmark in the sector within Spain.
· Continuously promote an internal and external culture of pollution prevention.
- Commitment, perseverance and enthusiasm are part of our personality, only in this way have we been able to achieve the maximum levels of satisfaction in our projects and services.
- High Technical Capacity. Professional competence gives us prestige at all levels, both nationally and internationally. The continuous internal development is fundamental for a continued projection and evolution.
- Wide experience. Having witnessed the past to be able to see the future and a quick willingness to adopt and propose new solutions guarantees our partners the results they expect from us.
- We make the staff of our organization aware of the importance of a effective quality management and conformance with the GIS requirements in a way that enables the Continuous Improvement.
- Commitment to a strong work ethic, integrity and honesty, as well as the compliance with laws and regulations applicable and other principles to which the organization subscribes.
Madrid, March 20, 2023
The GECOMSE Management
Since his birth, General Communications and Security SA has shown its commitment to the environment and sustainable development. As a result of it, in 2020, it has carried out the Certification of the Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of the Standard UNE‐EN ISO 14001:2015 by the entity AENOR, with the aim of carrying out an adequate management of our waste and reducing our environmental footprint in all our activities.

Electric Power Consumption
Reducing the consumption of KW/H
Water consumption
Reducing the consumption of m3 of water
*Increase due to a break in the water installation.
By the year 2022, we are committed to reducing the consumption of paper in the office by changing the use of paper to digital documents, digital invoices, etc.
Management of used packaging.
Pursuant to Law 11/1997, we notify the final holders of packaging waste and used packaging that they must deliver them in adequate separation conditions to an economic agent for reuse, recovery, recycling or recovery.
WEEE management
In compliance with Royal Decree 110/2015, of February 20, on waste electrical and electronic equipment, GECOMSE undertakes to collect and manage, at the client's request, all those WEEE originated by the commercialization of our organization.